根据《表决权法》第203条,倡导者在为非英语者投票时要求语言援助。 Advocates push for language assistance in voting for non-English speakers under the Voting Rights Act's Section 203.
美国的倡导者,包括亚洲社区发展理事会的Vida Lin,正在努力确保在该国日益多样化的情况下,非英语发言者有平等的投票权。 Advocates in the U.S., including Vida Lin of the Asian Community Development Council, are working to ensure equal voting access for non-English speakers amid the nation's increasing diversity. 《表决权法》第203条规定,在达到特定人口阈值时,在某些法域提供语言援助。 The Voting Rights Act's Section 203 mandates language assistance in certain jurisdictions when specific population thresholds are met. 然而,批评者认为,法律没有涵盖所有必要的语言,促使地方团体在联邦要求不足的地方介入。 However, critics argue the law fails to cover all necessary languages, prompting local groups to step in where federal requirements fall short.