由于出口减少和投资停滞,斯洛文尼亚经济预计增长1.5%。 Slovenia's economy projected to grow 1.5% due to reduced exports and stagnant investments.
据政府UMAR研究所统计, 斯洛文尼亚经济预计2022年增长1.5%, 低于先前预测的2.4%, 主要是因为出口减少和投资停滞。 Slovenia's economy is projected to grow by 1.5% in 2022, down from an earlier forecast of 2.4%, primarily due to reduced exports and stagnant investments, according to the government’s UMAR institute. 预计2022年通货膨胀率为2.3%,2023年上升到3.3%。 Inflation is expected at 2.3% for 2022, rising to 3.3% in 2023. UMAR预计2025年将出现反弹,增长率为2.4%,其驱动因素是出口和投资增加,特别是在制造业和建筑业。 UMAR anticipates a rebound with 2.4% growth in 2025, driven by increased exports and investments, particularly in manufacturing and construction.