肯塔基州州长Andy Beshear在I -75枪击事件后 在伦敦社区发表演说,强调支持。 Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear addresses London community after I-75 shooting, emphasizing support.
肯塔基州州长Andy Beshear对最近伦敦I -75发生枪击事件所影响的社区表示同情。 Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear expressed empathy for the community affected by a recent shooting on I-75 in London. 在伦敦社区中心与当地官员会晤期间,他谈到正在寻找嫌疑人Joseph A. Couch的问题,并承认居民受到精神创伤。 During a meeting at the London Community Center with local officials, he addressed the ongoing search for suspect Joseph A. Couch and recognized the emotional trauma inflicted on residents. 伯夏强调在发生这一悲惨事件后向社区提供支助的重要性。 Beshear emphasized the importance of providing support to the community in the wake of this tragic event.