厨房食品公司将在肯塔基州投资69M元,创造925个就业机会,大大促进了经济。 Kitchen Food Co. will invest $69M in Kentucky, creating 925 jobs, marking a significant economic boost.
州长安迪·贝夏宣布 厨房食品公司 一家澳大利亚食品公司 将投资6900万美元 在肯塔基州的霍普金斯维尔 创造925个工作 Governor Andy Beshear announced that Kitchen Food Co., an Australian food company, will invest $69 million and create 925 jobs in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. 这是Beshear就职以来第五大工作项目。 This marks the fifth-largest job project since Beshear took office. 今年,国家经济大幅增长,投资超过69亿美元,新增就业机会9 425个。 The state saw significant economic growth this year, with over $6.9 billion in investments and 9,425 new jobs. 贝希尔计划在未来一年重点关注就业,基础设施,教育和医疗保健. Beshear plans to focus on jobs, infrastructure, education, and healthcare in the coming year.