贝斯夏州长向肯塔基州未来疗养院致敬, 这是一项援助400名受枪支暴力影响的儿童的计划。 Governor Beshear honors Kentucky's Future Healers, a program aiding 400 kids affected by gun violence.
州长Andy Beshear为肯塔基州路易斯维尔的未来疗养院项目荣耀, 该方案为受枪支暴力影响的儿童提供支持。 Governor Andy Beshear honored the Future Healers program in Louisville, Kentucky, which supports children impacted by gun violence. 该方案于2021年启动,通过提供医疗领域经验和职业探索帮助了400名儿童。 Launched in 2021, the program has helped 400 children by offering medical field experiences and career exploration. 它改善了学术业绩和个人发展,赢得了肯塔基医疗协会服务奖,并扩展到纳什维尔。 It has improved academic performance and personal development, winning the Kentucky Medical Association Service Award and extending to Nashville.