意大利在15间教室测试AI辅助教学,以提高数字技能和个性化教育。 Italy tests AI-assisted teaching in 15 classrooms to improve digital skills and personalize education.
意大利正在四个区域的15间教室测试AI辅助教学,以便与其他欧盟国家相比,改善其数字技能差距。 Italy is testing AI-assisted teaching in 15 classrooms across four regions to improve its digital skills gap compared to other EU nations. Giorgia Meloni总理的政府旨在通过AI工具加强学习和个性化教育。 Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's government aims to enhance learning and personalize education through AI tools. 该倡议遵循意大利在欧盟的低数字技能排名。 The initiative follows Italy's low digital skills rankings in the EU. 此外,还禁止教室使用移动电话,以支持有效的教育,应对因师资队伍老化带来的挑战。 Additionally, a ban on mobile phones in classrooms has been implemented to support effective education, addressing challenges from an aging teaching workforce.