美国食品和药物管理局批准了果公司的OTC助听器软件,用于AirPods Pro,该软件将于今年秋季上市. FDA authorizes OTC hearing aid software by Apple for AirPods Pro, available this fall.
FDA 已授权 Apple 为 AirPods Pro 提供助听器功能,这标志着第一款非处方助听器软件。 The FDA has authorized Apple's Hearing Aid Feature for AirPods Pro, marking the first over-the-counter hearing aid software. 预计将于今年秋季推出, 允许18岁及以上轻度至中度听力损失的用户使用iPhone或iPad, 无需处方来定制听力体验. Set to launch this fall, it allows users aged 18 and older with mild to moderate hearing loss to customize their hearing experience using an iPhone or iPad, without needing a prescription. 这项发展旨在提高对助听器的可访问性,遵循FDA的2022年规定,允许直接销售助听器. This development aims to enhance accessibility to hearing support, following the FDA's 2022 regulations permitting direct sales of hearing aids.