Apple 计划到 2026 年在 AirPods 中增加健康监测功能,目标是实现 65-6800 万台的销量。 Apple plans to add health monitoring to AirPods by 2026, aiming for 65-68 million sales.
Apple 计划到 2026 年将其 AirPods 转变为健康管理设备,专注于心率监测等功能,类似于 Apple Watch 中的功能。 Apple is planning to transform its AirPods into health management devices by 2026, focusing on features like heart rate monitoring, similar to those in the Apple Watch. 这一转变旨在促进销量,目标是到 2026 年达到 65-6800 万辆。 This shift aims to boost sales, targeting 65-68 million units by 2026. Apple 还计划在当年发布一款智能家居摄像头,预计年销量将超过 1000 万台,并与其他 Apple 产品集成。 Apple also plans to release a smart home camera that year, expected to sell over 10 million units annually, integrating with other Apple products.