8月11日,纽约的大陪审团 控告Harvey Weinstein 罪名是 更多的性犯罪指控 On August 11, a New York grand jury indicted Harvey Weinstein on additional sex crime charges.
正如8月11日庭审宣布的那样,Harvey Weinstein因其他性犯罪指控被纽约大陪审团起诉。 Harvey Weinstein has been indicted on additional sex crime charges by a New York grand jury, as announced during a court hearing on August 11. 新指控的具体细节仍未披露。 The specifics of the new charges remain undisclosed. 在此之前,他一直在就先前的强奸和性攻击指控进行法律斗争。 This follows his ongoing legal battles concerning previous allegations of rape and sexual assault. Weinstein的重审即将到来 这些新的起诉 可能会进一步复杂化他的法律状况 Weinstein's retrial is approaching, and these new indictments may further complicate his legal situation.