2020 Weinstein定罪被推翻;对性犯罪指控的重审定于11月12日进行。 2020 Weinstein conviction overturned; retrial on sex crimes charges set for November 12.
哈维·温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)预定在重审与MeToo运动相关的性犯罪指控之前在纽约法院举行听证会。 Harvey Weinstein is scheduled for a New York court hearing ahead of his retrial on sex crimes charges tied to the #MeToo movement. 他的2020年定罪被推翻,他现在面临两项指控,加上9月份起的一项新指控。 His 2020 conviction was overturned, and he now faces two charges plus a new one from September. 检察官试图将这些合并为一个审判,以提高效率,而Weinstein的律师则要求单独审判。 Prosecutors seek to consolidate these into one trial for efficiency, while Weinstein's lawyers argue for separate trials. 复审暂定于11月12日进行,尽管双方都对充分准备时间表示关切。 The retrial is tentatively set for November 12, although both sides have raised concerns about adequate preparation time.