男子因在九个州使用40K美元伪造货币而被判处5年徒刑。 Man sentenced to 5 years for using $40K in counterfeit money across nine states.
Clinton Curry, 40岁,来自旧金山,因在9个州使用4万多美元的假钞,被判处5年联邦监禁。 Clinton Curry, a 40-year-old from San Francisco, was sentenced to five years in federal prison for using over $40,000 in counterfeit money across nine states. 该计划是在库里使用假钞在爱达荷州购买价值 324 美元的商品后被发现的。 The scheme was uncovered after Curry used fake bills to purchase $324 worth of goods in Idaho. 他还将服刑三年,在监督下获释,并向他诈骗的企业支付赔偿。 He will also serve three years of supervised release and pay restitution to the businesses he defrauded.