据称,38 岁的前瑞士小姐决赛选手克里斯蒂娜·乔克西莫维奇 (Kristina Joksimovic) 于 2 月在瑞士宾宁根被丈夫托马斯谋杀。 38-year-old former Miss Switzerland finalist, Kristina Joksimovic, was allegedly murdered by her husband, Thomas, in February in Binningen, Switzerland.
Kristina Joksimovic, 38岁,前瑞士小姐决赛选手,据称于2月在瑞士宾宁根被41岁的丈夫Thomas杀害。 Kristina Joksimovic, a 38-year-old former Miss Switzerland finalist, was allegedly murdered by her husband, Thomas, 41, in February in Binningen, Switzerland. 据报告,他勒死她,用各种工具肢解她的尸体,然后在搅拌机中清洗她的遗体。 He reportedly strangled her, dismembered her body using various tools, and then pureed her remains in a blender. Thomas声称自卫,声称她用刀子攻击他,但调查人员没有发现支持这一点的证据。 Thomas claimed self-defense, asserting she attacked him with a knife, but investigators found no evidence supporting this. 由于他要求释放的上诉被驳回,他仍被拘留。 He remains in custody as his appeal for release was denied.