57 岁的吉莉安·休斯 (Jillian Hughes) 在马恩岛度假期间被伴侣约翰·梅多斯 (John Meadows) 袭击致死,导致过失杀人罪被判处五年零八个月徒刑。 57-year-old Jillian Hughes fatally attacked by partner John Meadows during Isle of Man vacation, resulting in a five-year, eight-month sentence for manslaughter.
2024 年 3 月 29 日,57 岁的吉莉安·休斯 (Jillian Hughes) 在马恩岛的一次家庭度假期间,被她 53 岁的伴侣约翰·梅多斯 (John Meadows) 在皇宫酒店外袭击致死。 During a family vacation in the Isle of Man, Jillian Hughes, 57, was fatally attacked by her partner, John Meadows, 53, outside the Palace Hotel on March 29, 2024. 尽管为救她作出了努力,但她还是因伤势过重而死亡。 Despite efforts to save her, she died from her injuries. Meadows承认犯有过失杀人罪,并被判处5年零8个月监禁。 Meadows pleaded guilty to manslaughter and received a sentence of five years and eight months in prison. 休斯一家感谢执法部门在这个悲惨时刻给予的支持。 The Hughes family thanked law enforcement for their support during this tragic time.