野火在 25 号州际公路附近的 Bar Nunn 以西燃烧;当地消防人员正在努力控制它。 Wildfire burns west of Bar Nunn near Interstate 25; local fire crews work to contain it.
目前,Bar Nunn以西、25号州际公路附近和机场以北正在燃烧一场野火。 A wildfire is currently burning west of Bar Nunn, near Interstate 25 and north of the airport. 当地消防人员正在积极遏制火灾。 Local fire crews are actively working to contain the fire. Casper Fire-EMS部要求公众不要就这起火灾打911电话,而是保留这条线,以报告灾区外的新火灾。 The Casper Fire-EMS Department asks the public not to call 911 regarding this fire, but to reserve that line for reporting new fires outside the affected area. 将在获得更多资料后提供最新情况。 Updates will be provided as more information becomes available.