3 月 19 日,BC 省 Mission 外发生车祸,造成 3 人受伤,疑似与酒精有关。 3 people injured, suspected alcohol involvement in crash outside Mission, BC on March 19.
3 月 19 日,BC 省 Mission 外发生一起车祸,造成 3 人受伤;酒精怀疑是一个因素。 3 people injured in a crash outside Mission, BC on March 19; alcohol suspected as a factor. 晚上8点45分,一辆白色SUV在贝尔路(Bell Road)和霍金斯皮克尔路(Hawkins Pickle Road)交汇处撞上一棵树,四名乘客中的三人被困。 A white SUV crashed into a tree at Bell Road and Hawkins Pickle Road at 8:45 pm, trapping three of the four occupants. 包括直升机在内的急救人员赶赴现场,伤者被送往医院。 First responders including helicopters attended the scene, and the injured were taken to the hospital. 我们鼓励目击者和任何有相关信息的人联系特派团皇家骑警。 Witnesses and anyone with relevant information are encouraged to contact Mission RCMP.