40%的美国18-29岁年轻妇女现在被确认为自由主义者,比20年前的30%有所增加。 40% of U.S. young women aged 18-29 now identify as liberal, up from 30% two decades ago.
一项盖洛普分析显示,美国18-29岁的年轻女性日益被认同为自由主义者,现在40%的年轻女性自称为自由主义者,比20年前的30%有所上升。 A Gallup analysis indicates that young women aged 18-29 in the U.S. are increasingly identifying as liberal, with 40% now labeling themselves as such, up from 30% two decades ago. 这一转变包括对堕胎、环境政策、种族关系和枪支控制等问题的自由主义观点的大幅上升。 This shift includes significant rises in liberal views on issues like abortion, environmental policy, race relations, and gun control. 由各种文化和政治因素驱动的这一趋势表明,由于人口在关键问题上采取统一立场,人口可能成为强大的政治力量。 The trend, driven by various cultural and political factors, suggests that this demographic could become a powerful political force due to their unified stance on key issues.