3名男子被控在拉各斯Ikorodu盗窃N50M变压器;案件休庭至10月10日,每人交N1M保释。 3 men charged with stealing N50M transformer in Ikorodu, Lagos; case adjourned until Oct 10, each on N1M bail.
3名男子Kehinde Akinkugbe、Tope Salisu和Isiaka Amusa被控在拉各斯Ikorodu偷窃N50M变压器并出庭。 3 men, Kehinde Akinkugbe, Tope Salisu, and Isiaka Amusa, were charged with stealing an N50M transformer in Ikorodu, Lagos, and appeared in court. 这三人未提供地址,面临阴谋、盗窃和恶意损害指控。 The trio, who did not provide addresses, face conspiracy, theft, and malicious damage charges. 他们被当地居民逮捕,案件已休庭至10月10日。 They were arrested by local residents and their case has been adjourned until October 10. 每个被告的保释金定为N1M,两笔保证金数额相同,其中一人必须是财产所有人,有3年的纳税证据。 Each defendant's bail was set at N1M with two sureties in the same amount, one of whom must be a property owner with 3 years of tax payment evidence.