据报道,南非的"医疗火车"每年免费医疗服务给3.75万名患者, 自1994年以来, 列车的数量从3辆增加到16辆. South Africa's "health train" provides free medical care to 375,000 annually, expanding from 3 to 16 carriages since 1994.
南非的巡回“保健列车”每年向约375,000人提供基本的免费医疗服务,特别是在服务不足的农村地区。 A traveling "health train" in South Africa provides essential free medical care to around 375,000 people annually, particularly in underserved rural areas. 这项服务由Transnet基金会经营,从1994年的三列火车扩大到了两辆16列火车。 Operated by the Transnet Foundation, the service has expanded from a three-carriage train in 1994 to two 16-carriage trains. 批评者敦促政府优先改善公共医疗, 而非临时解决方案。 While it alleviates some pressure on the strained public healthcare system, which 84% of citizens rely on, critics urge the government to prioritize improving public healthcare over temporary solutions.