Starlink的卫星互联网促进了津巴布韦的远程保健,改善了农村医疗服务。 Starlink's satellite internet boosts telehealth in Zimbabwe, improving rural medical access.
Starlink的卫星互联网改变了津巴布韦的远程保健,为远程咨询提供了更快、更可靠的连接。 Starlink's satellite internet has transformed telehealth in Zimbabwe, offering faster, more reliable connections for remote consultations. 在Nheedziwa,Precious Chinonzura, Precious Chinonzura利用一个当地远程保健室咨询一名医生,医生诊断她的膀胱感染和处方药物,医生于当晚从22公里外的一个诊室送来。 In Nhedziwa, Precious Chinonzura used a local telehealth booth to consult a doctor who diagnosed her bladder infection and prescribed medication, delivered that evening from a booth 22 km away. 尽管费用高昂,但Starlink的服务正在改善农村地区获得医疗服务的机会,当地提供者相应降低价格。 Despite high costs, Starlink's service is improving access to medical care in rural areas, with local providers lowering prices in response.