分析师预测,由于全球风险影响消费者物价指数通胀,印度储备银行将推迟降息。 Analysts predict a delay in RBI's rate cuts due to global risks affecting CPI inflation.
分析师预测,由于原油价格上涨、地缘政治不确定性以及美联储降息周期可能延迟等全球风险上升,印度储备银行(RBI)将推迟降息。 Analysts predict a delay in the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) rate cuts due to rising global risks such as increased crude oil prices, geopolitical uncertainties, and potential delays in the US Federal Reserve's rate easing cycle. 这些风险可能会对印度储备银行将消费者价格指数 (CPI) 通胀率持续降至 4% 的目标构成挑战。 These risks could challenge the RBI's goal of bringing the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation down to 4% on a durable basis. Motilal Oswal Financial Services 预计下一财年的 CPI 平均增长率为 4.5%,并且降息可能要到 2025 财年末才会发生。 Motilal Oswal Financial Services anticipates the CPI to average 4.5% in the next financial year, and a rate cut may only occur in late FY25.