加拿大面包公司指控Maple Leaf Foods在定价诉讼和调查中逃避责任。 Canada Bread accuses Maple Leaf Foods of evading responsibility in price-fixing lawsuits and an investigation.
加拿大面包公司指控Maple Leaf Foods在两次集体诉讼中利用它逃避责任,以及竞争局对所称面包定价的调查。 Canada Bread has accused Maple Leaf Foods of using it to evade responsibility in two class-action lawsuits and a Competition Bureau investigation concerning alleged bread price-fixing. 在一份法院档案中,加拿大面包公司声称,Maple Leaf在2014年出售给Grupo Bimbo之前违反了法律和管理协议。 In a court filing, Canada Bread alleges Maple Leaf violated laws and management agreements prior to its sale to Grupo Bimbo in 2014. 加拿大面包公司在2023年面临5 000万美元的罚款,向尚未对索赔作出答复的Maple Leaf要求赔偿损失。 Canada Bread, which faced a $50 million fine in 2023, seeks damages from Maple Leaf, which has not yet responded to the claims.