BC Tree Fruits Cooperative 的财产因欠有担保债权人 $53.2M 而被勒令出售,其中包括欠 CIBC 的 $50.8M。 BC Tree Fruits Cooperative's properties ordered for sale due to $53.2M owed to secured creditors, including $50.8M to CIBC.
不列颠哥伦比亚省最高法院已下令出售 BC Tree Fruits Cooperative 的财产,包括位于 Summerland、Keremeos 和 Oliver 的设施,原因是欠有担保债权人的 5320 万美元,其中包括欠加拿大帝国银行公司的 5080 万美元。 The British Columbia Supreme Court has ordered the sale of BC Tree Fruits Cooperative's properties, including facilities in Summerland, Keremeos, and Oliver, due to $53.2 million owed to secured creditors, including $50.8 million to the Canadian Imperial Banking Corporation. 法院下令的销售过程将于11月30日结束,低价水果的潜在盈余将导致加拿大人购买进口产品。 The court-ordered sale process will conclude on Nov. 30, with potential surplus of low-priced fruit leading to Canadians purchasing imported produce. 198名合作社雇员仍欠解雇费。 198 cooperative employees are still owed severance pay.