澳大利亚政府对儿童保育和课外工人实行15%的工资加薪,12月逐步实行10%的加薪,2025年逐步实行5%的加薪。 Australian government introduces 15% wage increase for childcare and out-of-school-hours workers, phased in with 10% in December and 5% by 2025.
澳大利亚政府正在制定立法,将儿童保育和课外工人的工资提高15%,相当于每周加薪155美元。 The Australian government is introducing legislation to increase wages for childcare and out-of-school-hours workers by 15%, equating to a $155 weekly raise. 递增将分阶段进行,从12月开始增加10%,到2025年底再增加5%。 The increment will be phased in, with a 10% increase starting in December and an additional 5% by the end of 2025. 儿童保育中心必须把父母的收费增加额限制在4.4%,才能符合资格。 Childcare centers must cap fee increases for parents at 4.4% to qualify. 这一举措旨在留住现有工作人员,吸引新工人,减轻家庭生活费压力。 This initiative aims to retain existing staff, attract new workers, and alleviate cost-of-living pressures for families.