29岁的西棕榈滩军官Jeremy Boykins在一次训练演习后死于并发症。 29-year-old West Palm Beach officer Jeremy Boykins died from medical complications after a training exercise.
西棕榈滩警察局29岁的Jeremy Boykins警官于9月10日因训练后出现医疗并发症而去世。 Officer Jeremy Boykins, 29, of the West Palm Beach Police Department, passed away on September 10 due to medical complications following a training exercise. 他在紧急战地部队试飞期间生病,并接受手术,但未能存活。 He fell ill during Emergency Field Force tryouts and underwent surgery but did not survive. Boykins是一名两年的退伍军人,他因救生努力而获得承认,他的妻子和两个孩子幸存下来。 A two-year veteran, Boykins was recognized for his lifesaving efforts and is survived by his wife and two children. 该部门正在哀悼他的损失,并正在为其家庭寻求支助。 The department is mourning his loss and is seeking support for his family.