Olathe警察局的Greg Richardson中士意外去世,原因不明。 Sergeant Greg Richardson of Olathe Police Department unexpectedly passed away; cause unknown.
Olathe警察局的Greg Richardson中士在周末意外去世, Sergeant Greg Richardson of the Olathe Police Department passed away unexpectedly over the weekend, as announced by the department on Monday. 自1997年以来,他一直担任各种职务,一直担任重要职务,直到晋升为军士。 Serving since 1997, he was a valued member in various roles until his promotion to sergeant. 死因仍未透露,但一名前同事指出,他卷入了一起悲剧性事故。 The cause of death remains undisclosed, but a former colleague noted he was involved in a tragic accident. 部门和社区为他的丧失哀悼, 并要求为理查森家族祈祷. The department and community are mourning his loss and have requested prayers for the Richardson family.