南卡罗来纳州最高法院规则3-2反对K-12凭单方案,认为该方案违宪。 South Carolina Supreme Court rules 3-2 against K-12 voucher program, deeming it unconstitutional.
南卡罗来纳州最高法院以3比2的结果裁定该州的K-12优惠券计划, The South Carolina Supreme Court has ruled 3-2 that the state's K-12 voucher program, which used taxpayer money for private school tuition, is unconstitutional. 法院强调,公共资金不能使私立教育机构受益,违反了国家宪法。 The court emphasized that public funds cannot benefit private educational institutions, violating the state constitution. 这项决定影响到目前参加该方案的近3 000名学生,而国家官员则设法支持教育选项向前推进。 This decision impacts nearly 3,000 students currently enrolled in the program, while state officials seek ways to support educational options moving forward.