JP摩根计划扩大瑞士的银行业务,以中小企业为对象,并利用供应链进行现金管理。 JPMorgan plans to expand Swiss corporate banking, targeting SMEs and using blockchain for cash management.
Jporgan Chase计划在今后三至五年内扩大其瑞士公司银行业务,重点是市场份额的增长,特别是中小型企业的市场份额的增长。 JPMorgan Chase plans to expand its Swiss corporate banking operations over the next three to five years, focusing on market share growth, particularly among small and medium-sized enterprises. 通过使用区块链技术来加强现金管理和支付交易,该银行旨在吸引新客户. Utilizing blockchain technology for enhanced cash management and payment transactions, the bank aims to attract new clients. 目前,JPMorgan在瑞士为大约60家大公司提供服务,成功地在德国实施了连锁服务,不久将在瑞士引入。 Currently serving around 60 large companies in Switzerland, JPMorgan has successfully implemented blockchain services in Germany and will soon introduce them in Switzerland.