Denfeld高中由于校园附近发生骚乱 被封锁了 两周后第二次 Denfeld High School had a lockdown due to a disturbance near the campus, the second in two weeks.
Duluth的Denfeld高中因校园附近据报发生骚乱而遭到封锁,这是两周内第二次发生此类事件。 Denfeld High School in Duluth underwent a lockdown due to a reported disturbance near the campus, marking the second such incident in two weeks. 家长收到有关学校安全状况的通知,包括锁上校门,同时继续正常上课。 Parents received notifications about the school's secure status, which involved locking external doors while classes continued normally. 最初,根据关于一个人携带武器的报告,警察后来将局势归类为骚乱,导致封锁的迅速解决。 Initially prompted by reports of a person with a weapon, police later classified the situation as a disturbance, leading to the lockdown's quick resolution.