佐治亚州萨凡纳的温莎森林高中因学校附近发生枪击事件而被封锁;两人被拘留,调查仍在进行中。 Windsor Forest High School in Savannah, GA was locked down due to a gun sighting near the school; two people detained, investigation ongoing.
佐治亚州萨凡纳的温莎森林高中因学校附近发生枪击事件而被封锁。 Windsor Forest High School in Savannah, GA was put on lockdown due to a gun sighting near the school. 一位忧心忡忡的家长向当局发出警报,称在学校放学时间附近有三个人持枪。 A concerned parent alerted authorities about three people with a gun near the school's dismissal time. 学校被封锁,学生在30分钟后被开除,当时情况被认为安全。 The school was locked down and students were dismissed after 30 minutes when the situation was deemed safe. 两人被拘留,事件仍在调查之中。 Two people were detained and the incident is still under investigation.