Amanda Holden在伦敦参加「生来自由抗争」, 抗议英国/欧洲动物园将大猫禁闭, Amanda Holden joined the Born Free protest in London against big cat confinement in UK/Euro zoos, urging government reforms.
Amanda Holden在伦敦参加野生生物慈善组织Born Free组织的抗议活动, 强调英国和欧洲动物园将大猫禁闭。 Amanda Holden joined a protest in London organized by the wildlife charity Born Free, highlighting the confinement of big cats in UK and European zoos. 她被关在笼子里,目的是提请人们注意狮子、老虎和猎豹面临的不适当生活条件。 Locked in a cage, she aimed to draw attention to the inadequate living conditions faced by lions, tigers, and cheetahs. Born Free 的报告显示,超过 3,000 只大型猫科动物患有各种问题,敦促政府颁布改革,例如结束繁殖计划和强制规定围栏大小规定。 Born Free's report indicates over 3,000 big cats suffer from various issues, urging the government to enact reforms like ending breeding programs and mandating enclosure size regulations.