动物叛乱组织破坏了特拉法加广场的查理三世国王肖像,要求“释放动物”。 Animal Rebellion vandalized a King Charles III portrait in Trafalgar Square, demanding "free the animals."
动物权利活动家在伦敦破坏了国王查理三世的肖像,并在画上挂了一条横幅,上面写着“查理三世国王,释放动物”。 Animal rights activists vandalized a portrait of King Charles III in London, draping a banner over the painting that read, "King Charles, free the animals." 直接行动组织“动物叛乱”针对特拉法加广场的此次活动(查理国王即将在那里发表演讲)进行了抗议,该组织正在抗议君主制支持狩猎和动物剥削以及国王即将举行的加冕典礼。 The direct-action group Animal Rebellion targeted the event in Trafalgar Square, where King Charles was set to speak, as part of their ongoing protests against the monarchy's support for hunting and animal exploitation, as well as the king's upcoming coronation.