爱尔兰政府计划将西奈德投票权扩大到高等教育毕业生。 Irish government plans to extend Seanad voting rights to higher education graduates.
爱尔兰政府计划将Seanad投票权扩大到所有高等教育机构毕业生的爱尔兰公民。 The Irish government plans to extend Seanad voting rights to all Irish citizens who are graduates of higher education institutions. 在最高法院对选举合宪性做出裁决后,一项新法案将创建一个具有六个席位的“高等教育”选区,取代目前的 NUI 和都柏林圣三一学院小组。 A new bill will create a six-seat "Higher Education" constituency, replacing the current NUI and Trinity College Dublin panels, following a Supreme Court ruling on electoral constitutionality. 其他内讨论包括禁止一次性使用的电子烟,增加全科医生人数,评估政府对小企业的影响. Other cabinet discussions include banning single-use vapes, increasing GP numbers, and assessing government impacts on small enterprises.