印度前外交秘书戈哈勒预测,由于中国对印度洋的影响越来越大,印度-中国的紧张局势会加剧。 Former Indian Foreign Secretary Gokhale predicts increased India-China tensions due to China's growing Indian Ocean influence.
印度前外交大臣维贾伊·克沙夫(Vijay Keshav Gokhale)预测,由于中国对印度洋的影响越来越大,未来十年印度-中国关系紧张加剧。 Former Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Keshav Gokhale forecasts rising tensions in India-China relations over the next decade, driven by China's increasing influence in the Indian Ocean. 他敦促印度制定一项全面政策,应对长期挑战,加强威慑,并调整对中国进口采取的办法。 He urges India to develop a comprehensive policy addressing long-term challenges, enhance deterrence, and adapt its approach to Chinese imports. Gokhale强调,媒体必须对这些问题进行批判性报道,必须准备舆论,以便与中国进行持久竞争。 Gokhale emphasizes the need for critical media coverage of these issues and the importance of preparing public opinion for enduring competition with China.