巴格达轰炸炸死士兵和平民,在军事检查站附近炸伤两名士兵。 Baghdad bombing kills soldier, civilian, injures two near military checkpoint.
9月9日,巴格达的炸弹爆炸炸死一名士兵和一名平民,炸伤另外两人。 On September 9, a bomb explosion in Baghdad killed a soldier and a civilian, injuring two others. 爆炸发生于晚上11时30分,当时在al-Shuala街区军事检查站附近,一个装在送货箱里的爆炸装置被引爆。 The blast occurred at 11:30 p.m. when an explosive device hidden in a delivery box detonated near a military checkpoint in the al-Shuala neighborhood. 虽然自2017年伊斯兰国失败以来伊拉克的安全有所改善,但类似事件仍然是该国的一个威胁。 While Iraq's security has improved since the defeat of the Islamic State in 2017, incidents like this remain a threat in the country.