从奥克兰飞往惠灵顿的NZ405号航班由于液压问题被转移到克赖斯特彻奇,优先注意安全。 Air NZ Flight NZ405 from Auckland to Wellington diverted to Christchurch due to hydraulic issues, prioritizing safety.
新西兰航空公司的一架航班NZ405从奥克兰飞往惠灵顿,由于液压系统问题,需要较长的跑道降落,于2024年9月10日被转移到克赖斯特彻奇。 An Air New Zealand flight, NZ405, traveling from Auckland to Wellington was diverted to Christchurch on September 10, 2024, due to hydraulic system issues that necessitated a longer runway for landing. 飞机在库克海峡上空盘旋,然后前往赫里斯特彻奇。 The aircraft circled over the Cook Strait before proceeding to Christchurch. 该航空公司强调,乘客和机组人员的安全至关重要,并保证受影响的客户将在下次航班上重新订票。 The airline emphasized that passenger and crew safety is paramount and assured that affected customers would be rebooked on the next available flight.