美国劳工部扩大了网络安全指南的范围,以涵盖根据《欧洲社会与科学研究机构法》制定的卫生和福利计划。 U.S. Department of Labor expands cybersecurity guidance to cover health and welfare plans under ERISA.
美国劳工部扩大了其网络安全指南的范围,将《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》下的卫生和福利计划与退休计划一起纳入其中。 The U.S. Department of Labor has expanded its cybersecurity guidance to include health and welfare plans under ERISA, alongside retirement plans. 这一更新强调,需要为所有由社发所覆盖的雇员福利计划采取更有力的数据保护措施。 This update emphasizes the need for stronger data protection measures for all ERISA-covered employee benefit plans. 该指南概述了服务提供者的最佳做法,并强调了受托承担的保障参与者信息免遭网络威胁的责任,这种网络威胁影响到数百万工人和退休人员。 The guidance outlines best practices for service providers and highlights the fiduciary responsibility to safeguard participant information against cyber threats, affecting millions of workers and retirees.