2024 最高法院的裁决推翻了Chevron Deference, 将法定解释责任转移给司法机构。 2024 Supreme Court ruling overturns Chevron Deference, shifting statutory interpretation responsibility to judiciary.
美国最高法院于2024年6月28日对Loper Bright诉Raimondo案的裁决推翻了Chevron Deference原则,该原则指示法院服从联邦机构对模棱两可法律的解释。 The U.S. Supreme Court's June 28, 2024, ruling in Loper Bright v. Raimondo overturned the Chevron Deference Doctrine, which had directed courts to defer to federal agencies' interpretations of ambiguous laws. 这一转变将法定解释的责任赋予了司法机构,有可能增加企业和联邦机构(如经济伙伴关系协定和IRS)的诉讼和监管不确定性,影响到包括环境和工作场所条例在内的各个部门。 This shift places the responsibility for statutory interpretation on the judiciary, potentially increasing litigation and regulatory uncertainty for businesses and federal agencies like the EPA and IRS, affecting various sectors including environmental and workplace regulations.