美国最高法院推翻了 1984 年的“雪佛龙尊重”原则,限制了机构解释不明确法律的能力。 US Supreme Court overturns 1984 "Chevron deference" doctrine, limiting agencies' ability to interpret unclear laws.
美国最高法院推翻了1984年的“雪佛龙尊重”原则,该原则允许联邦机构在法律不明确时对其进行解释,这对联邦监管机构是一个重大打击。 The US Supreme Court has overturned the 1984 "Chevron deference" doctrine, which allowed federal agencies to interpret laws when they were unclear, in a significant blow to federal regulators. 该裁决针对的是新泽西州鲱鱼渔民案件,它将使企业和其他利益相关方在食品检查、工作场所安全、税收和环境监管等领域挑战联邦法规变得更加困难。 The ruling, in a case involving New Jersey herring fishermen, will make it more challenging for businesses and other interests to challenge federal regulations in areas such as food inspections, workplace safety, tax collection, and environmental regulation.