尼日利亚卡杜纳州;匪帮袭击初级保健中心,绑架两名护士和数目不详的病人。 Kaduna State, Nigeria; bandits attack Primary Healthcare Centre, abducting two nurses and an unknown number of patients.
在尼日利亚卡杜纳州,匪徒袭击了库亚略的初级保健中心,绑架了两名护士和数目不详的病人。 In Kaduna State, Nigeria, bandits attacked the Primary Healthcare Centre in Kuyallo, abducting two nurses and an unknown number of patients. 袭击者最初针对附近的一所空校,将注意力转向保健设施,在当地社区造成恐惧。 Initially targeting a nearby school that was empty, the assailants shifted their focus to the healthcare facility, instilling fear in the local community. 卡杜纳州警察尚未证实这一事件,这突出表明了该地区持续存在的安全关切。 The Kaduna State Police has not yet confirmed the incident, which highlights ongoing security concerns in the region.