尼日利亚警方从绑架者手中解救了10人,但在枪战中有2人死亡,4人受伤。 Nigerian police rescued 10 people from kidnappers, but 2 died and 4 were hurt in the gunfight.
尼日利亚卡齐纳州的警察挫败了2024年12月24日的绑架企图,抢救了10名被武装匪徒袭击的商业车辆的乘客。 Police in Katsina State, Nigeria, thwarted a kidnapping attempt on December 24, 2024, rescuing 10 occupants of a commercial vehicle attacked by armed bandits. 警察进行了枪战,但两名受害者死于枪伤,4人住院治疗。 The police engaged in a gunfight, but two victims died from gunshot wounds, and four were hospitalized. 警务专员赞扬警官们的努力,并敦促公众报告犯罪活动。 The Commissioner of Police praised the officers' efforts and urged the public to report criminal activities.