因枪杀马里兰州Joppatowne高中另一名学生而被捕的16岁学生。 16-year-old student arrested for fatally shooting another student at Joppatowne High School, Maryland.
9月6日, 一名16岁学生因在马里兰州Joppatowne高中的浴室开枪射杀15岁的Warren Curtis Grant被捕。 A 16-year-old student was arrested for fatally shooting 15-year-old Warren Curtis Grant in a bathroom at Joppatowne High School, Maryland, on September 6. 事件发生在一场争吵中,疑犯逃跑,但不久后被捕。 The incident arose from an altercation, and the suspect fled but was apprehended shortly after. 格兰特被空运到创伤中心,但因伤势过重而去世。 Grant was airlifted to a trauma center but succumbed to his injuries. 当局证实枪击是孤立的,不是主动射击的情况,调查仍在进行中。 Authorities confirmed the shooting was isolated, not an active shooter situation, and the investigation is ongoing. 即将对嫌疑人提出指控。 Charges against the suspect are forthcoming.