众议员安迪·比格斯 (Andy Biggs) 呼吁在 FISA 搜查令中使用,批评 FBI 的反对是一个关键问题。 Rep. Andy Biggs calls for FISA warrant use in surveillance, criticizing FBI's opposition as a key issue.
Andy Biggs(R-Ariz.)在一次Newsmax采访中讨论了需要问责制来重建公众对美国机构的信任。 Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) discussed the need for accountability to rebuild public trust in American institutions during a Newsmax interview. 他谈到了对无证间谍活动给公民造成的关切,声称如果不追究个人的责任,就无法恢复信任。 He addressed concerns over warrantless spying on citizens, asserting that trust cannot be restored without holding individuals accountable. Biggs强调,必须获得FISA监视令,批评联邦调查局反对这一要求,认为这是一个需要注意的关键问题。 Biggs highlighted the necessity of obtaining FISA warrants for surveillance, criticizing the FBI's opposition to this requirement as a critical issue needing attention.