一名拉合尔妇女因折磨两名女佣而被捕,这引发了对巴基斯坦家庭雇工更强有力的法律保护的呼声。 A Lahore woman was arrested for torturing two housemaids, sparking calls for stronger legal protections for domestic workers in Pakistan.
在巴基斯坦拉合尔,一名妇女因据称折磨两名女佣——一名母亲和她十几岁的女儿——而被捕,她们因受伤而住院治疗。 In Lahore, Pakistan, a woman was arrested for allegedly torturing two housemaids—a mother and her teenage daughter—who were hospitalized due to their injuries. 当地人提醒当局注意女孩的状况,促使调查。 Locals alerted authorities about the girl's condition, prompting an investigation. 这一事件是继该国以往虐待家庭佣工的案件之后发生的,引发了抗议,并要求加强对弱势工人的法律保护。 This incident follows previous cases of abuse against domestic workers in the country, sparking protests and demands for stronger legal protections for vulnerable workers.