大通银行调查与病毒性社交媒体趋势有关的支票欺诈事件。 Chase Bank investigates incidents of check fraud linked to a viral social media trend.
大通银行正在调查与病毒性社交媒体趋势有关的事件,鼓励用户通过交存假支票和收回现金进行支票欺诈。 Chase Bank is investigating incidents linked to a viral social media trend encouraging users to commit check fraud by depositing fake checks and withdrawing cash. 银行向执法部门报告这些案件,并冻结了与可疑活动有关的账户。 The bank reports these cases to law enforcement and has blocked accounts associated with suspicious activity. 对支票欺诈的惩罚严厉程度因州而异,可能判处的徒刑和罚款视所涉金额和个人的犯罪历史而定。 The severity of penalties for check fraud varies by state, with potential prison terms and fines depending on the amount involved and the individual's criminal history.