8 月 4 日,15-16 岁的嫌疑人在英国朗科恩袭击并抢劫了四名成年人。 15-16-year-old suspects assaulted and robbed four adults in Runcorn, UK, on August 4.
8月4日, 在英国Runcorn, 四名15至16岁的青少年殴打和抢劫四名成人。 On August 4, in Runcorn, UK, four teenagers, aged 15-16, assaulted and robbed four adults. 袭击发生在下午11时左右Halton Brow附近,一名受害者脚踝骨折,其他受害者仍被割伤。 The attack occurred near Halton Brow around 11 PM, with one victim suffering a broken ankle and others sustaining cuts. 嫌疑人偷了一件手提包, 但是在逃往城堡上升时丢弃了它. The suspects stole a handbag but discarded it while fleeing toward Castle Rise. Cheshire警察正在调查并寻找证人或信息;可通过网站或通过拨打101电话(编号2400678118)提供提示,号码为2400678118。 Cheshire Police are investigating and seek witnesses or information; tips can be submitted via their website or by calling 101 with the reference number 24000678118.