两名青年在纽卡斯尔用摩托车袭击和抢劫青少年;调查仍在进行中。 Teen assaulted and robbed by two youths on scooters in Newcastle; investigation ongoing.
1月25日凌晨1点40分左右, 在纽卡斯尔的Mayfield, 一名19岁少年在电动摩托车上遭到两名青少年的袭击和抢劫。 A 19-year-old was assaulted and robbed by two teens on electric scooters in Mayfield, Newcastle, at around 1:40 AM on January 25. 袭击发生在Sunderland街,当时受害人是从Hanbury街被跟踪的。 The attack occurred on Sunderland Street after the victim was followed from Hanbury Street. 嫌犯被描述为15至20岁的高加索青少年,其中一人瘦,另一人大,他们逃离了现场。 The suspects, described as Caucasian teenagers aged 15 to 20, one thin and the other large, fled the scene. 受害者在Calvary Mater医院接受治疗,警方正在敦促证人与犯罪制止者联系。 The victim was treated at Calvary Mater Hospital, and police are urging witnesses to contact Crime Stoppers. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.