31岁的Tyler Dow Baglini被控谋杀杀害新贝德福德Kerri Fidalgo。 31-year-old Tyler Dow Baglini charged with murder in stabbing death of Kerri Fidalgo in New Bedford.
来自达特茅斯的31岁的Tyler Dow Baglini被指控在新贝德福德Kerri Fidalgo(也是31岁的Kerri Fidalgo)被刺死后犯有谋杀罪。 Tyler Dow Baglini, 31, from Dartmouth, has been charged with murder following the stabbing death of Kerri Fidalgo, also 31, in New Bedford. Fidalgo在她的大西洋街住所被发现,身上有刺伤,后来死在圣卢克医院。 Fidalgo was found at her Atlantic Street residence with stab wounds and later died at Saint Luke's Hospital. 事件发生后不久,Baglini被捕,并被拘留进行精神病评估。 Baglini was apprehended shortly after the incident and held for psychiatric evaluation. 他定于星期一上午在新贝德福德地区法院接受传讯。 He is set for arraignment in New Bedford District Court on Monday morning.