38岁的Dan Joyce因强奸重罪被捕,逃离高速追逐,在战术车辆干预后被拘留。 38-year-old Dan Joyce arrested for felony rape, fleeing high-speed chase, and detained after Tactical Vehicle Intervention.
来自阿肯色州康威的 38 岁男子丹·乔伊斯 (Dan Joyce) 因重罪强奸和逃跑而被捕,当时他带领警察在 40 号州际公路上以 120 英里/小时的速度高速追逐。 Dan Joyce, a 38-year-old man from Conway, Arkansas, was arrested for felony rape and fleeing after leading police on a high-speed chase on Interstate 40, reaching 120 mph. 康威警方请求阿肯色州警方的帮助, 他们执行了战术车辆干预, 阻止乔伊斯的2021年GMC Sierra. The Conway Police requested help from the Arkansas State Police, who executed a Tactical Vehicle Intervention to stop Joyce's 2021 GMC Sierra. 他目前被拘留在福克纳县拘留中心。 He is currently detained at the Faulkner County Detention Center. 所有嫌疑人在被证明有罪之前都假定无罪。 All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty.