40岁的Dothan居民Adam Scott Moore因二级强奸被捕, 40-year-old Dothan resident Adam Scott Moore arrested for 2nd-degree rape and soliciting underage sex after online chat.
40岁的Dothan居民Adam Scott Moore因二度强奸被捕,并在网上聊天后与16岁以下的未成年人发生性关系后前往见一名未成年人进行性交易。 40-year-old Dothan resident Adam Scott Moore was arrested for second-degree rape and traveling to meet a minor for sex after engaging in a sexual relationship with a minor under 16, following an online chat. Moore在警察局的一次面谈中承认了这种关系,并以休斯顿县监狱的90 000美元保证金予以释放。 Moore admitted to the relationship during an interview at the police department and was released on a $90,000 bond from the Houston County Jail. 调查正在进行中,由于受害人年龄关系,进一步的信息被搁置。 The investigation is ongoing, with further information withheld due to the victim's age.