尼日利亚承诺通过加强协作和数字保健防治疟疾,影响全球27%的疟疾病例。 Nigeria commits to fighting malaria, affecting 27% of global cases, through enhanced collaboration and digital health.
尼日利亚政府已重申其消除疟疾的承诺,疟疾是影响全球27%疟疾病例的一个至关重要的公共卫生问题。 Nigeria's government has reaffirmed its commitment to eliminating malaria, a critical public health issue affecting 27% of global malaria cases. " 全部门办法 " 促进了联邦和州政府的合作,而数字保健倡议和基本保健提供基金(BHCPF)则被优先用于促进初级保健。 The Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) fosters federal and state government collaboration, while digital health initiatives and the Basic Health Care Provision Fund (BHCPF) are prioritized to boost primary healthcare. 疟疾联合会的评估和研究被认为在这些努力中至关重要。 The Malaria Consortium's assessments and research are acknowledged as crucial in these efforts.